January 25, 2023
Back in November of 2022, I was gifted two accordions from my uncle. It was touching, heart-warming and very sentimental.
The Kebrdle is a pure Czech accordion that originally belonged to my grandfather. It is a B-system button accordion, and does need some work. Without even trying it out much, I know that one of the pallets under the cover has likely fallen off… pulling and pushing without pressing anything generates… noise.

This is the Italia, it also was originally my grandfather’s, passed down to his son and from his son (my uncle), to me. It is a 1938 model and is in “extremely well used” condition. It also has no reed blocks installed on the right hand… they are all gone.
The story from my uncle is that It’s been played hard and abused but they tried to get it fixed… the repair person also abused it and basically ended it’s ability to be functional. It was the so-called repair person that removed the blocks and then simply forgot to re-install them and then disappeared, never to be found again.
They used screws where there should be pins, they’ve used hook-eye screws where there should be screws. It leaks air from every place where it is not supposed to leak air and many things are bent out of shape and are crooked where they are supposed to be straight.
Basically… it’s a mess.

And yet, even in this condition, there is a beauty about it… like an aged beautiful woman, we don’t see the wrinkles or the age… we seem to look past these things and see how beautiful they used to be and how lovely they still are.
January 23, 2023 (a Monday), I read a post in the accordion forum that a gent located in Europe once had a model very similar to this one. Though the accordion was long gone, he had the reed blocks and was willing to send me these wooden items, though he did say that they did not contain the reeds and posted some pictures for me to see:

I was very surprised and so grateful. And so, we made arrangements to get them sent to me. I provided my address and then to my surprise, he offered to send it all to me at no charge. I countered that I would like to at least pay for the shipping, and if he was not comfortable with that, at least half the shipping. I think that was kind of ignored. 🙂
In his next post, he mentions that everything is bundled up and ready to be sent but thanks to some hackers, his preferred postal service (Royal Mail), is temporarily down. No problems, I am in no rush and and just appreciative of their generosity.
At this time, we are waiting for the shipping service to return to being functional and hopefully they will be sent in a few days or weeks.
They say that there are still some good people left on this Earth… I think I am very lucky, because I seem to be able to bump in to them quite frequently!
Addendum Jan 26, 2023:
Wow, these people don’t play around!

Addendum: February 1, 2023
Received this email today:

Very cool! We are possibly one step closer to having some reed blocks for the Italia… very exciting!
Addendum February 4, 2023:
Another little update… the parcel is in transit!!

Addendum February 10, 2023:
A super cool surprise… the reed blocks have come in! Now I need to later on test and see if they can fit… and some of the reed holes in the blocks have reeds in them!
More to come as the story advances.