July 15, 2020
After the ‘Vette was brought home, my sister immediately surprised me saying that she would get me personalized plates for my car as my “”soon to come”” birthday present. I was really surprised!
Quebec is probably the strangest province in Canada for several reasons, one of which is the fact that it’s the only province in Canada to plate only the rear, no plates for the front, which for ‘Vette owners sits just right!
Prior to 2019, Quebec never even offered personalized plates (the only exception being plates for HAM radio operators who could have them with their HAM radio call-sign), and so only last year (2019), we started to see the odd car here with these kinds of license plates. The first were hybrid cars, with green tinged plates soon followed by the odd plate here and there.
My sister asked me what I wanted, and right away I knew the 2 options I wanted… first choice was “”JPH”” and the second was my internet moniker “”JERRYPH””.
When the time came to order (first day we had real plates, before I even drove it “”officially”” for the first time), I entered “”JERRYPH”” and it gave me a preview, which was nice but a bit cramped with the maximum number of characters on it, so my #1 choice “”JPH”” was tested and it made the plate look a bit sparse, but more unique and IMHO, way nicer… I liked it and completed the order with that. The preview they gave me is right below:

Did I mention that Quebec was a bit strange? When placing the order, first, you don’t get any indication of if your choice is available or not and second, after paying, they tell you that you can expect a censor committee get back to you via email within 2-3 days to let you know if your plate characters was acceptable. If accepted, they let you know that it will be sent in the mail 3-6 weeks later.
July 15th I get the good news that it was accepted and that the order was sent to the plate manufacturer. NICE! Once I get it, I’ll update the pictures here.
My ‘Sis, is the coolest eveaahh!!
Addendum August 8, 2020:
Well my niece, not to be outdone by her mom wanted to get me something for my ‘Vette too, so she bought me a license plate frame from no other place but the world famouse Corvette Museum in Bowling Green Kentucky!… wow, I am being showered by gifts!!
Here is what it looks like:

Thanks Cookie, that was very sweet of you, and you know how proud I will be to rock those personalized plates in this frame! You are the coolest niece evaaahhh!!
Addendum August 11, 2020:
My plates have come in the mail today, so after work I went and picked them up (and just as I walked in the heavens broke open and it rained cats and dogs). After supper I coated them with 2 coats of Turtle Hybrid Ceramic Spray Coating and a lightly smoked plastic cover, which it will be just fine as they will be in the open with the new Corvette frame from the National Corvette Museum!
