December 6, 2022
Well today I had a chance to put up the shelving in my house to place the accordion collection in, and though it’s nowhere quite complete, I am very happy! the project took me a couple of hours, but I really was taking my time and enjoying the process.

The first one up there for test purposes was my little Hohner FB 36 student Free Bass model… it looked good but was quite lonely, so I gave it some company!

The top shelf are an assortment… my IORIO S3, my first accordion, a tiny Titan (Titano), my sister’s (well, now technically mine, it will ALWAYS be considered my sister’s), Mundinger Etude and of course my well cherished Hohner FB-36.

I had to re-arrange them a bit in terms of size… the Titano is my smallest one and should be to the far right.

I call the middle shelf the “CASSOTTO Shelf”, my 3 accordions with Cassotto sit here… The Elkavox, my Hohner Morino VI N and my Hohner Imperator V.

The bottom shelf is “Antiques Alley”, here I have the Paolo Soprani, Finzi and Kebrdle. I could call the bottom shelf the “repair” shelf, but Antique sounds so much better, don’t you agree?
Unfortunately, there’s no room for the Roland, so it get’s it’s own shelf all alone.
The project is not quite finished… I plan to have covers made for all the accordions, but before that I plan to take them all out and make sure the unit is screwed in to the wall studs in at least 2 or more places… I did this setup for picture purposes only… don’t they all look beautiful? A small pleasant surprise… whenever I go to visit Paul’s accordion museum, I walk in to the smell of accordions, which is quite wonderful. In a small way, my basement now has that gentle scent too!
More to come!