Streaming Setup is back!

February 17, 2024

Well, I had disassembled my upstairs Zoom streaming setup because I was not using it all that much and I was using the Zoom F4 to record some audio. This past Friday we had a little Zoom meeting and I was not ready for it, but its OK I was not able to play due to the cut finger (though I think I am going to start tomorrow morning to start pushing it again a little. As long as it doesn’t bleed on the accordion, I’ll get by (haha).

That said, I did set it up as I do have a small demonstration to set up in about 2 weeks so the upstairs zoom setup will be used. A forum member wanted a small demo on how to adjust volume levels in the editor and a quick intro to using the editor. I am 50% of the way there already as I do have a video on how to install it and it won’t take too long to show the basics of the editor and how to adjust the various volumes of the different parts.

I did set it up real quick today and good thing too. Seems the latest MAC OS update killed the virtual camera in OBS and it took some research on how to get that working back again.

It will be nice to use again and play a little as well… looking forward to it!


After the last zoom meet, I also learned that I had the limiter set low. It sounded good just not high enough levels. For the sake of having good quality audio, I set it too low. That’s been fixed and in the next one I will be not only sending in stereo, but at proper sound/volume levels. Zoom setting meetings require you to have the mentality of a “live setup”, not a “recording setup” mentality.

Lesson learned!